There are many benefits to massage therapy beyond simple relaxation. A well trained massage therapist can oftentimes help reduce stress and relieve the pain associated with tight and overworked muscles. Massage has been shown to improve circulation, strengthen the body’s immune system, promote deeper breathing and better lung function, facilitate lymph flow, improve balance in older adults, improve sleep, increase range of motion, improve cardiovascular health, and much more!

Swedish Massage can be Addictive

Swedish Massage can be Addictive! We all know how good Swedish massage feels. I usually begin and end a vacation by booking ninety-minute therapeutic massage sessions at whatever Spa happens to be closest to my hotel. What many of us don’t realize, however, is that Swedish massage may actually be addictive and [...]

Swedish Massage can be Addictive2021-02-24T20:30:10+00:00

Massage for TMJ

Massage for TMJ Massage therapy for TMJ involves primarily the masseter muscle, the primary muscle used in chewing. It is said that the masseter muscle is pound for pound the strongest muscle in the human body and able to exert over 200 pounds of pressure. Not only is the masseter muscle worked [...]

Massage for TMJ2021-02-14T18:22:52+00:00

Massage Therapy for Sciatica

Massage Therapy for Sciatica Researchers have found that Massage is an effective treatment for low back pain. A study of 400 participants by researchers at the Group Health Research Institute and the University of Washington in Seattle found that among patients suffering from low back pain, those who received massage were “better able [...]

Massage Therapy for Sciatica2021-02-14T19:12:59+00:00

Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Massage therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome can do wonders to alleviate pain. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome typically include pain, numbness, cramping, muscle weakness, or tingling in the wrists and hands.  These symptoms are caused by compressed nerves (median nerve) in the carpal tunnel and are thought [...]

Massage for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome2020-10-08T16:53:53+00:00

Massage for Low Back Pain

Massage for Low Back Pain Most of us either suffer from low back pain ourselves or know someone who does. It may be the result of muscle tension or strain caused by exercise, injury, obesity, and even poor posture.  Whatever the cause, low back pain can be crippling. Massage targeted at the [...]

Massage for Low Back Pain2019-12-22T21:53:21+00:00

Couple’s Massage

Couple’s Massage- Not Just for Couple’s Anymore Most people think of couple’s massage as a somewhat intimate experience between a husband and a wife, boyfriend and a girlfriend, or any other couple involved in an intimate relationship.  Couple’s massage, however, can be shared by friends who wish to relax together and chat [...]

Couple’s Massage2021-02-14T17:30:31+00:00
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